Q. Many are concerned that Donald Trump's primary motivation to become the President of the United States is to satiate his enormous ego. Is there any truth in this?
A. Certainly. Ego is a powerful motivator, and there's no evidence to suggest that his ego does not factor into much of what he has done.
Q. Oh... Well... I mean... That was kind of unexpected. This is a common talking point, and I was assuming you were going to tell me how it was unfounded and that.
A. Not at all, but is it really the worst thing in the world? Let's take a look at the implications.
One of the greater fears about a new President is that he merely wants to wield the power of office to get rich, and scratch the shoulders of grateful billionaire friends by putting policies into place and using military might to benefit their globalist interests.
We already know that Donald Trump is not that kind of President? How? Because if he wanted to get rich and have beneficial policies put into place, he could do that far more effectively as a billionaire real estate mogul with Hillary Clinton in the White House. And in becoming President, he funded his own campaign, offloaded all of his business interests into the capable hands of his children, took an enormous pay cut, and even offered to do the job for free.
Also, he shunned all those grateful billionaires, and spent his first weeks in office fulfilling the actual promises that he made to the people of America. The seat of the Oval Office was still warm from the former president's unemployed backside when he started signing executive orders to that end.
So what aside from ego could his motivation possibly be?
Q. Perhaps he just wants to make America a better place.
A. Yes, I'm sure it's really that simple...
But an important point to remember is that that his entire campaign revolved around a single promise to "Make America Great Again". Do you think it will elevate his ego, or damage his ego, if he does indeed Make America Great Again?
Q. Elevate it, I guess...
A. Indeed.
In fact, I don't think people are crediting his ego with nearly enough influence. If it's powerful enough to get him into the White House, do you really think that he will be satisfied merely being remembered as the "45th President of the United States of America?"
Q. What are you suggesting?
A. He doesn't want to merely be 'A' President, he wants to be 'THE' President. He wants to be remembered as the greatest President of the United States to ever take office. He wants his grandchildren to see bank notes coming into production with his face on them, decades after he's dead. He wants history books to fondly hail the Trump years as the new renaissance, an era of global peace and prosperity. He has a proven track record of working hard and working smart to achieve whatever he puts his mind to, and there's no reason to think that this time it will be different.
Furthermore, he knows that he can't achieve that kind of reputation with social media alone. To do it, he has to really make America great again, for all Americans!
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