Q. It was claimed on a police procedural TV show that "legally, a woman who has been drinking cannot consent," implying that sex with a woman who has been drinking is inherently illegal. Something doesn't sit right with me about it. Please help me work out what it is.
A. Of course it doesn't sit right—you are a pro-civilisation non-ideologue that does not believe that women are inherently inferior to men, nor that such an assertion should be validated by law. Shameless expressions of chauvinism like that quoted have no place in the 20th Century, let alone the 21st.
Furthermore, if we follow the train of implication, and do a little jiggery pokery with the entirely arbitrarily chosen (if we were to be charitable) ‘active’ and ‘passive’ actors to reframe the claims, we reach some interesting conclusions. Come, friend. Join me on this quest for truth.
- Women (in the US) who are legally minors may not consume alcohol, and therefore providing them with alcohol is a crime. ↔ It is illegal for female minors to drink, but only another party will be punished.
- Women who are legally minors cannot consent to sex, and therefore sex with them is a crime. ↔ It is illegal for female minors to have sex, but only the other party will be punished.
- Adult women who have been drinking cannot consent to sex, and therefore sex with such women is a crime. ↔ It is illegal for women who have been drinking to have sex, but only the other party will be punished.
- Consumption of alcohol, for all intents and purposes, reverts women to the status of legal minors, and minors are prohibited from drinking. ↔ It is illegal for women to drink, and, well, they're not going to be the ones getting punished are they, obviously.
The initial premise is an invention of TV, of course, so the conclusion is purely academic, but you’ll be surprised how often this apparent legal truthoid is parroted.
Do not let it infect our courtrooms.
Q. I always wondered why it felt as though a part of me had died every time I heard that stated on TV. Thank you for clearing that up. Semi-related, is the suggestion that women take precautions for their own safety against rape a form of victim blaming?
A. If you listen to feminists, then yes it is.
If you listen to anybody that is pro-civilisation though, then no it isn’t. Crime and safety isn’t a zero-sum game; it is possible for a rapist to be entirely to blame for a rape, and for the victim to be responsible for their being in that situation.
However, an often overlooked scenario—which is far more common than one might think—is where the ‘victim’ is responsible for their being in the situation, and the ‘rapist’ is not to blame.
Let’s begin with two simple questions:
1. Have you ever been in a situation where you have consumed alcohol, and are later surprised to discover that you said or did things of which you have no recollection?
2. Have you ever been in a situation where alcohol was consumed by somebody else in your presence, and you are later surprised to discover that they have no recollection about certain things they said or did during that time?
If you answered ‘no’ to both questions, then the following will not make much sense to you I’m afraid, and you're also in a minority—most people will have answered ‘yes’ to at least one of the two questions.
For typical adults, the ability to reliably form accurate long term memories is one of the first things to suffer impairment when you consume alcohol, and while you may be behaving and thinking in a completely coherent fashion as far as you or anyone else is concerned at the time, you may well end up simply having no recollection of it whatsoever.
This is not in the least bit unusual.
Fast forward to a college party. Everybody is drinking as much as they can. A man and a woman who are both fairly inebriated are, as far as they're both concerned at the time, fully coherent. They’re flirting together, and they end up in a bedroom enjoying consensual sex. No problems there…
Until the morning. The woman wakes up, finds herself in bed with a stranger, and has no idea how she got there. The man is none the wiser either.
Both might reasonably conclude that they had a bit too much drink, and obviously hooked up with somebody that appealed to them at the time, even if it wasn’t necessarily a choice they would have made while sober. An awkward few minutes pass, and they part ways (hopefully) never to see each other again.
However, all too often—that is to say, entirely too often—this is not what transpires. The woman—frequently with help from her feminist counterparts—ends up making no distinction between having no recollection of events and being flat out passed out on the floor. Therefore, no other reasonable conclusion can be drawn, than that the man she woke up with raped her while she was unconscious.
The man—who also doesn’t remember anything—is certain that’s not the sort of thing he’d do. The feminists remind him though, that as a man, he’s an animal by nature, so that’s absolutely exactly the sort of thing he’d do, whether he wants to admit it to himself or not.
Likewise, everybody else at the party was inebriated, and has similarly little recollection of anything much that went on, but they also think he’s not the sort of person to take advantage of a woman that’s passed out on the floor.
The feminists tell them that they are rape enablers.
But they couldn't have enabled rape, because there was no rape. No sexual activity occurred while either of them was ‘passed out’. She may feel like a victim, but the so called ‘rapist’ isn’t guilty of any crime, because no crime occurred. The encounter was entirely consensual in nature—it's just that nobody remembers it.
And the man will be arrested anyway, judged guilty, and spend nowhere near enough time in prison to satiate the unquenchable thirst for human blood that the feminists crave, but way too long to preserve any kind of sanity, or ever hope to lead a normal life again, which will already be impossible because his life is now objectively ruined by having his photo, name and the word RAPIST appearing together on the front page of every news publication in the country. You're welcome.
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