Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Views from the Abyss #48: Musings on Common Themes

Question time—what do the following have in common: affirmative action, female managerial quotas (as well as other diversity management schemes), same-sex marriage, and open border policies for refugees and economic migrants?

Correct! These are all examples of collective self-flagellation, as alluded to in a previous bulletin.

While many would rationalise these as being examples of correcting a historical injustice, they are actually more consistent with an act of atonement for an ongoing sin.

We know this, because no injustice is actually being corrected; nothing is being fixed; nobody is being helped. The only thing such actions achieve is to administer a collective self-punishment for the guilt of clinging onto certain attitudes that are deemed now to be regressive. 

Ironically, however, enabling the continuation and proliferation of those very attitudes is the exact form that each act of atonement has taken.

To elaborate further:

Affirmative action is not necessary to correct a past injustice (slavery), it exists because many people believe that blacks are an inferior species, and cannot achieve academic or occupational success without a fast-track and/or financial leg-up. To atone for this elitist thinking, they give blacks a fast-track and/or financial leg-up at great expense, and to the detriment of those who are actually capable.

Female managerial quotas are not necessary to correct a past injustice (I dunno—patriarchy, I guess?), they exist because many people believe that women are inferior, and cannot achieve managerial success without a fast-track leg-up. To atone for this sexist thinking, they give women a fast-track leg-up, to the detriment of those that actually earned their promotions.

Same-sex marriage is not necessary to correct a past injustice (persecution of homosexuality), it exists because many people believe that gays are inferior, and all they really want is to pretend they're just like straight people. To atone for this bigoted thinking, they advocate for allowing gays to pretend they're just like straight people, and suing into oblivion anybody who thinks otherwise.

Open border policies are not necessary to correct any past injustice, they exist because many people believe that other countries are third world hell-holes occupied by vile repugnant sub-human scum. To atone for this flagrant I-don't-even-know-whatism, they invite them in in droves so their own country can be similarly turned into third world hell-holes by vile repugnant sub-human scum. Remember, don't upset them by suggesting they easily get angry and turn violent, though—they'll get angry and turn violent!

So there you have it in a nutshell. Affirmative action, female managerial quotas (and other diversity management schemes), same-sex marriage, and open border policies for refugees and economic migrants—nobody wins, and everybody else loses.

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